Join us for our upcoming pain management program on 1 November 2024 or contact us on 0408 211 301 for more information.

Heidi Clarke

Senior Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Heidi stumbled into Exercise Physiology during her second year of university when she realised her original degree just wasn’t sparking her interest. Fortunately, she was accepted into the honours Exercise Rehabilitation program at the University of Wollongong without much resistance. At a time when no one knew what an Exercise Physiologist was, Heidi landed her dream job and started working clinically right out of uni.


Heidi’s interest in chronic pain developed out of necessity, as more and more clients came to her frustrated by treatment failures and desperate for answers. They were doing everything they were told, yet the pain persisted. In her quest to help them make sense of it all, she met Terry, and later John, and the rest is history.


You’ll likely hear Heidi before you see her. When she’s not with EPS, she’s at Body Dynamics Illawarra, consulting and sharing a laugh with clients. When not in the clinic, Heidi is usually working from home (she just can’t get enough!), hanging out with her family, beating them at board games, or filling her time with a variety of activities.

From Pain to Progress - Achieve life with Less Limits

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